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As a non-profit service provider, we are striving for ways to add value and excellence to our programs beyond our funded capacity so that we may improve the lives and experiences of our clients, some of whom are the community’s most vulnerable members.
In addition to providing our Community Living clients with a caring and safe home environment, GVCSS is committed to supporting their independence by making it possible for them to attend community events, visit family and engage in the type of social and recreational activities that enrich all our lives. However, leaving the home to engage in these activities is no simple task. Many of our clients rely on wheelchairs and other mobility aids to move around. They are not able to endure lengthy trips on public transit and require specially modified wheelchair accessible vehicles to experience a full life outside their homes.
The residents of our six group homes are members of a closely-knit community that enjoys getting together to celebrate holidays, birthdays and other gatherings. With the homes spread across the Lower Mainland, each home needs its own vehicle to make it possible for everyone to attend these events.
Some of our clients also belong to a faith community and enjoy attending weekly worship services. Additionally, a number of clients are aging and have elderly parents who are in care or are unable to travel to our group homes to visit their children. The vans are essential to transport our clients to visit with their parents and maintain precious family relationships.
The vans not only make it possible for our clients to enjoy a full social and recreation life, they are also needed for transportation to frequent medical appointments. Stated simply, the vans are a lifeline to the world outside their home.
Safe and efficient wheelchair accessible transportation significantly improves the lives of the individuals in our Community Living program as public transportation is challenging due to safety, behavioural and health issues. These vans are key components of normal community activities, and as such need to be replaced approximately every 10 years for safety reasons. The estimated cost to replace just one van has increased from $75,000 to $100,000
If you are interested in supporting our fundraising initiatives, please complete our secure online donation form which will immediately process your donation and issue a tax receipt. To learn more, or speak directly to someone at GVCSS about making a donation, please contact 604.714.3501 or info@gvcss.bc.ca.
More Opportunities to Give
GVCSS is pleased to offer Tribute and In Memoriam gifts. Select from the options below to honour someone special with a donation to GVCSS in their name.Your gift will go towards our fundraising initiatives and help us care for the elderly and people with disabilities.
Mark a birthday, anniversary or other significant life event for the hard-to-buy-for person. We'll send a card to your honouree notifying them of your gift.
Make a Tribute gift online or download this form and mail it to us with your donation.
Remember a loved one who has passed. We will send a card to their family notifying them of your gift.
Make In Memoriam Gift online or download this form and mail it to us with your donation.
A Planned Gift is an excellent way to help the Greater Vancouver Community Services Society care for the elderly, people with disabilities and those who require support to retain or regain their health and independence. A planned gift gives you the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy within the context of sound financial and estate planning.
Planned giving can and often does result in significant tax advantages for the donor.
The most common form of planned gift is a bequest. You may also wish to give a gift of securities.
To include a gift to Greater Vancouver Community Services Society in your will, record our full legal name (Greater Vancouver Community Services Society),our charitable registration number (BN:119281681RR0001) and choose one of the following sample clauses which you can share with your legal advisor.
Although your lawyer will review the terms of your will, we suggest the follow wording depending on the type of bequest you wish to make:
Suggested wording for an unrestricted specific bequest:
I give the sum of ___________ (insert a specific sum) to Greater Vancouver Community Services Society for its general purposes as the Society sees fit.
Standard wording for unrestricted residual bequest:
I give____ % of the residue of my estate to Greater Vancouver Community Services Society for its general purposes as the Society sees fit.
For further information about making a Planned Gift, contact GVCSS's Chief Financial Officer Sam Davison by phone (604-714-3503) or email.
Standard wording for endowment residual bequest:
I give ____ % of the residue of my estate to Greater Vancouver Community Services Society to establish a named Endowment Fund.
Donors can make a gift of a publicly-traded security, including shares mutual funds and options.
The advantage to the donor is that there are significant tax savings associated with this type of gift.
To speak with someone personally and confidentially, contact GVCSS's Chief Financial Officer Sam Davison by phone (604.714.3503) or email.
Resources: COVID-19 Community Resources Tips For Helping Seniors During The Pandemic Watch CEO James Challman's vlog PPE For Our Front-line Health Care Workers: How You Can Help _____________________________________